X-FAB invites you to join its 46th webinar:
Predict your IC lifetime - Aging simulation for
reliability of automotive devices
presented by Sonja Crocoll, Reliability
Manager and Daniel Wetzel, Senior Engineer Device Reliability
For an IC to function reliably in the long-term, you need to
be able to predict how a circuit is going to perform after a significant time
in operation. Complementing silicon qualification, aging simulations come in
handy to estimate the behavior in advance, to fulfill ISO 26262 requirements with
regards to functional safety but also to help debug issues identified after reliability
In this webinar, you will
learn about the basics of reliability physics and the typical mechanisms that
are responsible for transistor aging. The main influencing factors for device
degradation will be described and options for limiting them will be discussed.
The presentation will also cover the flow for
performing aging simulations in the Cadence design environment, providing
examples that illustrate aging impact on circuits and how aging simulation can be used
to uncover it.
The presenters will then elaborate on the possibilities and
limitations of aging simulation and give some suggestions of usage in the day-to-day
work of circuit designers. An overview will be provided of current aging model
availability in X-FAB’s 180nm processes and an outlook on upcoming models.
Register today to find out how aging
simulation can help you get your next design first-time-right and make it reliable in
the long run!
Two sessions
1 March
2022: 9 a.m. CET – EMEA & Asia/Pacific
1 March 2022: 11 a.m. ET – North & South America
register here and select the time that works best for you.
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